Do you know close to 2 Million youths and others get oral cancer every year in India, mainly because of habitual use of tobacco and related products. Gutka and others cause cancer but the victims get used to it knowing well the associated danger as they become psychologically diseased and so are smokers getting lung cancer, not talking about alcohol consumption.

The present economic system acts for profit and despite so called warning on all these products, “Injurious to health” and ban on children, these dangerous products are being sold in every nook and corner. Why government does not ban them? Revenue and profit for the producers! Do you say employment for many? It is not merely corruption or crony capitalism but capitalism, which took the form of monopoly capitalism more than a century back. And now we have different forms of fascism or Nazism, further making people (including youths) modern slaves of capitalism.

Social media is another form of such disease, where the youths become dull, lose critical brains and ability to resist exploitation and injustice. On the contrary, many join the capitalist class in name of saving religion, god, caste system, charismatic leaders, nationalism, etc.

If you understand where lies the disease you may be able to find solution, otherwise keep hunting solution, like there are many NGOs who uplift few 100s of child labor and get accolade, but in the meantime more than 1000s become child labors, including as rag pickers!