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There were many who cursed Copernicus in 15th century that Earth was not stationary but orbits around the sun. In fact the then rulers announced death sentence for him, unless he apologises for his ‘stupid’ discovery, which he did to avoid being hanged.
Till late in 19th Century, the people’s thinking was metaphysical, seeing things as stationary, disconnected with other incidents, sets of system. This was the natural outcome of 1000s of scientific discoveries, which needed metaphysical investigation and changed mankind’s natural dialectical method of reasoning. But then the interconnection, curtsey science itself, forced mankind to become dialectical again. One example here to clarify dialectical reasoning: Discovery of inter mingling of arteries & veins, that is, blood is not stored in different tight compartments in a human body. Another one was recent in physics, matter is not only in solid, liquid and gas state but even in energy. The theory of evolution, opposed to creation, helped identify the law of quantitative change into qualitative change, from single vertebrae to twin might have taken 1 million year but to reach 7, it did not take 7 millions, but less than 3, as there was ‘revolution’ in the process. The latest is the gravitational waves with Godam Particle, which leaves no part of the Universe isolated, simple evolution through its beginning to end does not exist.
Indian philosopher Charvak did mention dialectical method but had limitations due scientific informations in his time, so was Aristotle. Finally there we have Hegel, the great philosopher, who discovered the dialectical laws, reduced them to writing, though he remained an idealist. The next work to complete the investigation method well on genius Marx, who finally brought a complete science, known as Dialectical Materialism! Frederick Engels was his comrade in arm for this task and wrote further explanations in his famous book ‘Anti Duhring’.
Marx himself applied this method on human beings, their history and found that it also complies dialectical mode. A man, part of society, acts & thinks as per the social, political, economic conditions. While engaging in production, a necessary act to manage his means of subsistence, he enters into a relation with not only nature but also with other men, which we call production relation.
The development of mankind; from Savage era, Barbarian era to Slavery, Feudal relation of production and now Capitalism, with great history of Socialism, which was defeated by treachery from within and outside in between; was not incidental. It was connected to each other, developed as per the mode of production, technologies employed, and even the superstructure developed thereafter confirmed its base, that is economic activities. Superstructure, that is politics, religion, caste, spiritualism, art, culture, etc also interacted the base but with limitation.
For example, Einstein was not possible before Newton, as the formers could not have imagined that the light travels, forget about discovery of special and general theory of relativity! Same way, Marx was not possible before Ricardo or Adam Smith, the greatest classical economists of their time, who did reach to the level of ‘Surplus Value’ but could not discover it.
So, we call this law in human science as “Historical materialism”. Apart from philosophy, Marx, Engels establish the basics of Economy, surplus value, the cause of recurrent economic crisis and boom, so far not only valid but more relevant. This law was further developed by Lenin, and showed how the ‘free market’ is replaced by “Monopoly Capitalism”, which he called the highest stage of capitalism, also known as Imperialism. That means, there is no further scope of further development in capitalism, and if retained by force, it will only degenerate and the rot will be visible in superstructure, like what we see today, rise in unemployment, right wing criminal philistines, be in US, India, China, Ukraine, elsewhere.
The last part of Marxism Leninism is politics, which I have been talking in this group frequently. Marxist politics, means in short, replacing bourgeois state with that of proletarian state. The transition from Capitalism into Socialism & eventually into Communism. This transition will not be smooth as the existing elites, their compradors, henchmen, state & all its machineries will resist with all their worthy might, with violence. This transition is revolution.
The proletarian politics and revolution is politics of class struggle, class hegemony of capitalists which is to be defeated and the hegemony of the working class is to be established, during transition period.
The humankind’s civilisation from ‘pre historic communism’ to the modern communism, with very large scale of industries, socialised agriculture, with abundance of social wealth to meet the needs of all its members, so that they are no more worried about their employment and basics, education and health, though is part of historical materialism but revolution is needed. Even slavery was replaced through revolution, and now capitalism with much more complication and power, a more coordinated and planned acts on behalf of the working class, the most advanced section of the mankind in the history is needed.
The Soviet Revolution by the Bolsheviks under the able leadership of VI Lenin, was new to the mankind. Their leaders, the managers, workers, soldiers joined together to uphold their state to develop socialism. The Western powers never believed that this state will survive even a single say. Philistinism was the basic reason for such belief but nonetheless, they tried every day, every opportunity to destroy it physically. The treachery of Trotsky continued from Lenin to Stalin era.
Stalin’s mistake here was his failure to recognise these traitors and later that of Khrushchev and cliches, who eventually ensured capitalist restoration in USSR and other allies. China fell to imperialism during Mao’s time only due his erroneous understanding of the essentials of class contradiction, that existed in even socialist society, as long as capitalist countries exist in the world, who will try to sabotage every such movements.
Stalin and his entire team, the collective leadership of CPSU build USSR in a fashion, which was a dream project on the mother Earth. Bhagat Singh was not lucky enough to see all the transformation in this charisma in industries, agriculture, science, women’s equality & emancipation! Women fighter pilots were feared by the German Army, their accuracy, lethality and commitment was so high. The development showed in education, painting, arts, health, production of aeroplanes, cosmetics (Yes), clothings, cars, voyage to moon, name if & they did it. The crime for private property was abolished. Political crime was there and those traitors were liquidated, though much less, what the imperialist blocks, Hitler did or now doing!
Lenin, Stalin, nay the Marxism Leninism as an ideology for the working class, peasants, oppressed women, child labourers, Dalits & minorities, is rising world over, especially after 2008 chronic economic crisis. The outcome is also attack by the bourgeois class, imperialism capitalism through their henchmen, agents in name of religion, colour, caste, nationalism, personality cult, etc on the people.
You see these reactionaries every where, even here, trying their best to malign worker’s international leaders Lenin, Stalin, Comrade CPR & Moni Guha and others but shy away from the science of mankind, historical materialism, economic crises, massive unemployment, terrorism, war!
There is no alternate theory that the moribund & parasitic Capitalism, which has seen its birth, growth and now in its last terminal stage, has to be buried. The base of all evil is almost dead and the last rite is to be performed by the unity & struggle of the working class of the world, the revolution.
Incidentally, the exploited class understands the above in much better that those who have read one or two books by rabid anti communist writers. The massive accumulation of wealth, which has led to the concentration of wealth in hands of 8 people as much as in that of bottom of half the Earthians. Read Oxfam on this, which also forwards data to show how 3 Trillion USD was misappropriated by these super elites from the lower strata of the mankind! On the other hand 1 Billion people are starving on Earth. That is, growth of private property means more exploitation, higher surplus value, higher GDP but more miseries to the workers who created them! This is understood by the workers.
Today in India, the working women, Dalits, minorities, nationalities are oppressed. Why? To divert the attention of the working class from the main issues of unemployment, from uniting and struggling!
Friends, join the progressive and revolutionary forces, the advanced section of the society, the workers for a united struggle. Its historic task, ignore the middle class paid or unpaid diseased pseudo intellectuals, their worth is not even garbage, are in extreme minority.
Long live Lenin, Long live Stalin, Long live proletarian unity and their revolutionary ideology, Long live proletarian revolution!

The five classics of Marxism-Leninism in the Espresso Stalinist banner are: (1) Karl Heinrich Marx – Communist League and the International Workingmen’s Association (2) Friedrich Engels…

Source: Who are the Five Classics of Marxism-Leninism?


Brief, yet gives insight of the greatest world proletarian leaders! #Socialism

Marx was not a simple or classical philosopher but established the basic laws of the motion of the Universe, Dialectics and of course established Materialism scientifically!
He further discovered “Surplus Value” that makes him an exceptional genius! In politics, he founded the ways for socialism, communism based on Historical Materialism!
Salute Marx and Engels, his colleague for giving a scientific guideline to the working class, the toiling masses!

The Red Phoenix

Marx took the top spot by a wide margin followed by Einstein, Newton, and Darwin, in second, third and fourth places.

Revolutionary writer Karl Marx has topped a BBC News Online poll to find the greatest thinker of the millennium.

The nineteenth century writer won September’s vote with a clear margin, pushing Albert Einstein, who had led for most of the month, into second place.

The top 10 included philosophers Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes as well as twentieth century scientist Stephen Hawking.

The vote was the ninth of BBC News Online’s monthly Your Millennium series. In October you can vote for the greatest explorer of the last thousand years. […] Karl Marx is probably the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the nineteenth century and one of the founders of communism. […] BBC News Online readers from across the world took part in the millennium poll.

Dag Thoresen…

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